Equine Behaviour and Welfare. University of the West of England

Strona www: www.uwe.ac.uk/
Kierunek studiów: rolnicze - weterynaria

Recognition of the importance of equine welfare has never been higher, both with industry lead bodies and the general public. Equine welfare underpins safe management of the horse and facilitates a longer and more successful career in every area of their use. To achieve a high standard of welfare understanding the principles of the study of equine behaviour is essential. With a large number of horses on site, and many links with industry stakeholders we believe that UWE Hartpury is well placed to support postgraduate level study in this fundamental area. At postgraduate level it is expected that you can engage and inform with developments and innovations in this fast moving subject area. This programme develops an applied understanding of the principles of equine behaviour and welfare, and supports the students in gaining and applying the research techniques necessary to evaluate and contribute to current understanding.

Polityka Prywatności